In a poignant exploration of identity and perception, Guarda Qui follows the journey of Fiore, a thirty-year-old photographer marked by a childhood scar that defines his self-image. Through a series of flashbacks and present-day encounters, the film delves into Fiore's obsession with capturing the truth behind the smiles of his subjects, revealing the contrasts between their external appearances and internal struggles. As he navigates a world filled with beauty and pain, Fiore grapples with his own insecurities and the scars that linger within. The narrative culminates in a haunting realization that, despite the joy he seeks to document, he remains trapped in a cycle of longing for acceptance and understanding.
Production & Creativity by Red Sheep
Directed by Francesco Biscaglia
1AD Emanuele Cice
Written by Alessandro Monari
Original Music Alessandro Loro
Cinematography by Niccolò Voltolini
1AC Federico Muratore
2AC Alice Cenzon
MUA Martina Banfi
Sound by Jesus Castillo Velarde
Casting by Elisa Gragnaniello
Production Assistants Giulia Gammarano, Giorgia Salpietro
Location Roberto Bosi
Rental Exformat Movie
With Antonello Maccano, Angelica Beccari, Klaudio Hila, Nicolò, Beatrice Gazzola, Eugenio Nicolazzo, Giorgia Sammartino, Marta Bitti, Chiara Ravi, Elisa Gragnaniello, Eugenio Grandi, Santiago De La Fuente