In the charming setting of Pieve di Bono, aspiring young filmmakers joined a course organized by Red Sheep to explore the art of documentary filmmaking. Set in the picturesque Valle del Chiese, the program aimed to preserve and share the region's rich cultural heritage, including its ancient crafts and traditions, through film. Participants worked in teams to bring their creative visions to life, learning every step of the filmmaking process—from pre-production planning to filming and post-production. The course emphasized hands-on learning, encouraging creativity and collaboration while building essential filmmaking skills. This unique opportunity provided participants with the tools to tell meaningful stories and take the first steps toward a career in the film industry
Organized by Red Sheep
Institutional Partners Comune Pieve di Bono-Prezzo, PGZ Valle del Chiese, Provincia Autonoma di Trento
Private Partners Cassa Rurale Valle del Chiese, BIM Valle del Chiese
Supported by Exformat Movie
Trainers Francesca Biaggi, Francesco Biscaglia, Niccolò Voltolini